Stephanie Chiacos

Since first touching clay as a teenager, I have been somewhat of an environmentalist, unwittingly drawing inspiration from the delicacy and weight of everything that surrounds me.  I'm continually surprised by the influence of the night sky, cloud formations, tree bark, shapes in nature, the vernacular of the landscape, and generally, all that attracts me during my daily routine.

After receiving my MFA from the University of Colorado, Boulder, I settled in Los Angeles.  My work in Los Angeles was very architectural and hard edged, reflective of the urban area I lived in.  Many years later, I moved to rural Northern California.  My work now reflects this environment.  I work in porcelain, both white and black, and push the clay's strength to create movement.  There is a dance between my hands and the material, often influenced by the music I listen to in the studio, that is frozen in time once the clay drys and successfully makes it through the firing process.  As time passes, I reflect on the permanence of what I make and its significance to my personal landscape. 

My heritage is Greek.  As a people, we have been making ceramic vessels since the first millennium B.C.That I have chosen clay to express myself feels very natural.



3075 Sacramento St
San Francisco CA 94115
Tel. 415.931.7433